5. Create and Execute Tests

Creating a test

When creating a test there are different actions that can be performed from the HiveMind quick-menu after setting up a Test Suite.

  • Click – Preform a click-action.
  • Check – Set a check or an assertion.
  • Move – Preform a triggered action.
  • Report an issue
  • Remove an action
  • Bookmark
  • Navigate

Recording actions begin after clicking Start on the menu.

Create a Click-action

  1. Hover mouse pointer over a clickable web element.
  2. If needed, scroll mouse wheel to Click option and left-click mouse button.
  3. HiveMind frames the webelement blue and preforms the action.

Set a check

  1. Hover the mouse pointer over webelement to be part of a Check.
  2. If needed, scroll mouse wheel to Check option and left-click mouse button.
  3. An assertion is created of the current webelement.
    {text}= assertion of current text
  4. HiveMind frames the webelement green.

Set an assertion – text or value

  1. Hover the mouse pointer over webelement to be part of a Check.
  2. If needed, scroll mouse wheel to Check option and left-click mouse button.
  3. HiveMind frames the webelement green.
  4. While hoving over the webelement type an assertion of choice.
    {text} = assertion with  expected text
    {value} = assertion with expected value
    {value} = add({text1},{text2})  <– Convert and add two numbered texts and assert to the webelement
  5. HiveMind frames the webelement green (true) or yellow (false).

Move a trigger-action

  1. Hover the mouse pointer over trigger-depended webelement. (Such as an auto-hidden menu in browser.)
  2. If needed, scroll mouse wheel to Move option and left-click mouse button.
  3. HiveMind preforms the trigger-action. (The hidden menu displays in HiveMind.)

Report an Issue

  1. Hover the mouse pointer on a web element marked as Check (green or yellow framed).
  2. Type the Comment describing the Issue and press Enter or mouse Left-Click.
  3. The webelement changes to a Red framed issue report.

Remove a Click, Check or Issue.

  1. Hover mouse pointer over the webelement of choice.
  2. Press keyboard Delete-button.
  3. Confirm deletion pressing keyboard Y-key.

Note: When removing a “Click”-action, all succeeding created chain of actions dependent on the removed “Click”-action will also be removed from the Test Suite.

Execute Tests

Auto Mode

  1. Make sure that you are in the “home” state by clicking Go Home from Bookmarks in the toolbar.
  2. Click on Tools and choose Reset Coverage.
  3. Click Auto on toolbar to execute tests

Manual Mode (using bookmarks)

Bookmark in HiveMind helps to mark an important state among the recorded nodes.

Add Bookmark

  1. From the toolbar, click on Bookmarks.
  2. Click on Add Bookmark and name it.

View bookmarks

To view all the Bookmarks, click Navigate on the toolbar.

Remove Bookmarks

  1. Click Navigate on the toolbar.
  2. Choose the bookmark to remove.
  3. From the toolbar, click on Bookmarks and choose Remove Bookmark. 

Go to Bookmarks

It is possible to go to your bookmarks either using auto or manual mode.

  1. Click Navigate from the toolbar.
  2. Select the bookmark you want to navigate to.
  3. Click manually the blueframed webelements, guiding to the bookmark.
  4. Alternativly click Auto and let HiveMind navigate to the bookmark.