5. Create and Execute Tests
Creating a test

When creating a test there are different actions that can be performed from the HiveMind quick-menu after setting up a Test Suite.
- Click – Preform a click-action.
- Check – Set a check or an assertion.
- Move – Preform a triggered action.
- Report an issue
- Remove an action
- Bookmark
- Navigate
Recording actions begin after clicking Start on the menu.
Create a Click-action
- Hover mouse pointer over a clickable web element.
- If needed, scroll mouse wheel to Click option and left-click mouse button.
- HiveMind frames the webelement blue and preforms the action.
Set a check
- Hover the mouse pointer over webelement to be part of a Check.
- If needed, scroll mouse wheel to Check option and left-click mouse button.
- An assertion is created of the current webelement.
{text}= assertion of current text
- HiveMind frames the webelement green.
Set an assertion – text or value
- Hover the mouse pointer over webelement to be part of a Check.
- If needed, scroll mouse wheel to Check option and left-click mouse button.
- HiveMind frames the webelement green.
- While hoving over the webelement type an assertion of choice.
{text} = assertion with expected text
{value} = assertion with expected value
{value} = add({text1},{text2}) <– Convert and add two numbered texts and assert to the webelement
- HiveMind frames the webelement green (true) or yellow (false).
Move a trigger-action
- Hover the mouse pointer over trigger-depended webelement. (Such as an auto-hidden menu in browser.)
- If needed, scroll mouse wheel to Move option and left-click mouse button.
- HiveMind preforms the trigger-action. (The hidden menu displays in HiveMind.)
Report an Issue
- Hover the mouse pointer on a web element marked as Check (green or yellow framed).
- Type the Comment describing the Issue and press Enter or mouse Left-Click.
- The webelement changes to a Red framed issue report.
Remove a Click, Check or Issue.
- Hover mouse pointer over the webelement of choice.
- Press keyboard Delete-button.
- Confirm deletion pressing keyboard Y-key.
Note: When removing a “Click”-action, all succeeding created chain of actions dependent on the removed “Click”-action will also be removed from the Test Suite.
Execute Tests
Auto Mode
- Make sure that you are in the “home” state by clicking Go Home from Bookmarks in the toolbar.
- Click on Tools and choose Reset Coverage.
- Click Auto on toolbar to execute tests
Manual Mode (using bookmarks)
Bookmark in HiveMind helps to mark an important state among the recorded nodes.
Add Bookmark
- From the toolbar, click on Bookmarks.
- Click on Add Bookmark and name it.
View bookmarks
To view all the Bookmarks, click Navigate on the toolbar.
Remove Bookmarks
- Click Navigate on the toolbar.
- Choose the bookmark to remove.
- From the toolbar, click on Bookmarks and choose Remove Bookmark.
Go to Bookmarks
It is possible to go to your bookmarks either using auto or manual mode.
- Click Navigate from the toolbar.
- Select the bookmark you want to navigate to.
- Click manually the blueframed webelements, guiding to the bookmark.
- Alternativly click Auto and let HiveMind navigate to the bookmark.